Phono stage for Denon DL103R

I am considering adding either a Denon DL103R or Audio Technica OC9 cartridge to this setup. I presently have a Musical Fidelity X-LPSv3 phono stage and have not been able to determine if this stage will match either of these cartridges. I am trying to determine the amount of gain output by this phone pre-amp. The only information I have is a MC sensitivity of 350uV for 350mV output at 1kHz. Any and all input would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by johnbrown

Concerning Tswhitsel's concerns about compliance, don't be concerned. Both AT and Denon specify compliance @
100hz rather than the otherwise-universally used 10hz, which puts the Denon at 9cu. That may theoretically make the JMW arm still marginal for the Denon, but in real use you should see no issues. Even then, a headshell weight is available from vpi should you feel you need it.

A quick search on Vinyl Asylum will provide many other instances of happy Scout/DL-103 users.
Flyfisher-I'll reiterate. A Denon 103/103r will be fine with your jmw 9 arm. If you are at all concerned about the compliance issue, VPI sells a headshell weight for (I believe) 15.00, but I honestly don't think you'll need it. This is from my own experience, and from many others (see Vinyl Asylum)

As far as your phono stage, you'll need to load this cart at +/- 100 ohms, and have approx. 60db of gain. Don't know enough about your phono stage to comment on those parameters.....