Some other possibilities not mentioned by anyone yet.
A. Dynavector P75 mk4 - This device has been around for years. The latest incarnation has a number of improvements, including better power supply and more adjustability for MM cartridges. Available in the U.S. from multiple vendors with return policies for $895.
See Graham Slee Reflex M - This company has been making phono stages for a long time and has earned industry kudos for their products. This unit is one of their better models for MM and high output MC cartridges. It is available with three different power supplies from well under to a bit over $1,000 U.S. Lehmann Black Cube SE II - Yet another firm that has a long history of producing quality phono stages offers this model with a separate power supply for slightly over $1,000. Sutherland KC Vibe - A final candidate from a long established firm in this business. It is their entry level product for $895. of these products are available in the U.S. from U.S. vendors with return policies. All have received favorable reviews. Does anyone have experience with any of these units?
Before pursuing the pre-owned Linn Uphorik, $2,995 new, (thanks to
@rauliruegas for providing a link to a review of the Linn Uphorik from HiFi Choice), I would like to evaluate at home two or three new units to see if they provide a sufficiently engaging sound.
Thanks to all for your recommendations, but please do remember that some of us have a budget.