Inherited system

I was left a nice system but looking to sell it. Looking for advice on best methods and places to list. Parasound, oppo, emotiva, linkwitz lab… any help is appreciated. First post here, please be gentle. 


Where are you located?
Pictures of the gear with a newspaper next to them?

Ordinarily, this space is not for offering gear but you are asking for advice on pricing presumably. I have no tie to this site, financially, but unless it is junk, you should as a courtesy use the Audiogon sales pages to offer it.

That said, people do need model numbers and perhaps some additional information to tell you what's what.

Your alternative is to search for identical units on sale elswhere and try to come up with a median price.

Some gear is valuable or collectible. Can't even begin to suggest market for what you have without knowing more. And I'm not playing guru here, just telling you what I think will be necessary if you are to get any value from this posting. 

Most dealers offer a fraction of what gear is worth b/c they have to resell it, and sometimes, fix it, to make a sale. 

Good luck,


No. I asked for advice.


@westenotto Well I was trying to be polite.

But my advice is:

  1. If you want your post to not appear like a prelude to a scam, then you need a way to appear genuine.
  2. Adding a location and pictures is a way to make it appear more than a fishing expedition.


Your post feels like a prelude to a robbery.

I suppose it is possible, just not too likely.
But if you are in Australia, then maybe I’ll consider it.

First I’d need to weigh up the cost of the fuel and see the condition of that gear, which I doubt actually exists.


I feel sorry for whoever bequeathed it to you, and condolences to them.


"Your post feels like a prelude to a robbery."

And you wanted us to be gentle? Go home.  

And you wanted us to be gentle? Go home.  

Or basement @roxy54  ?
Or wherever they work out of.

Funny thing thing about robberies… they don’t typically come with a prelude. Not for the victim, anyway.

Nice way to honor the memory of the departed, btw. Maybe after you unload their gear, you can swing by the cemetery and deface their grave.


Coming to this site and asking for advice then making the comments you did to a long standing member will only force you to sell elsewhere.

You have no feedback and are a new member and any honest and reputable buyer will search the archives and threads to who and what you are, as you have no sales feedback.

Your comments will have members look elsewhere. You had one shot to introduce yourself and put your best foot forward.

My experience from members on this site has been nothing but positive. Members here are some of the most honest and reputable people I’ve ever met and consider myself fortunate to be a part of it.

Next stop for you to peddle your wares Ebay, Craigslist, garage sale, 1-800 stereo for kids.

Good luck.

Food for thought,   Neither one of my kids know how to turn my stuff on, never mind getting it to play a song.....  


This is exactly what I expected. To those of you with helpful replies I thank you. The rest of you are free to be exactly who you are on another thread. I’m not posting for sale here or now. I was looking for advice. I still am. My inheritance ir what I do with it are no one’s business. Keep your judgements for someone who values what you call an opinion. 

There is another buy/sell message board for audio gear that charges no user fees and caters to a somewhat less affluent (and sometimes snobby) crowd than Audiogon.  Seek it out and see for yourself.  

@westenotto It’s true that many potential buyers will shy away from sellers without feedback in the hobby. That’s the case selling here, the US site alluded too, or anywhere else. hifishark is a great place to look up prior sales for the same items.

You can then have an idea of the value, but first you should confirm everything is working correctly.

If you want a fair wholesale value(about half retail value, maybe a bit more depending on the piece,) tmraudio aka The Music Room is probably the top outfit that will simply buy it all. What you clear will be less, but so will the headache. This is a far better alternative than selling via "estate sale" type services who don’t know high end gear. Cheers,


Audiogon offers "bluebook" services to help you establish basic equipment values. Not sure of the cost & as mentioned above, I would contact the more reputable sued dealers & talk w/ them. Good Luck. 

I heartily endorse @sbank’s recommendation to contact The Music Room. For your intended purpose, I believe they will offer you the most hassle-free transaction.

@westenotto to figure out relative values of components; country specific also.

I see @sbank  also referenced this. +1 to his full post.

@westenotto I will second The Music Room. As the biggest wholesaler in this space, their model is about providing you with a convenient sale. If you don't have the time to price everything, haggle on each components' sale price, then risk making sales in Walmart parking lots or dealing with damaged UPS returns, make this easy for yourself and sell the entire setup to The Music Room. I don't work for them or even know anyone who does; I just know they do a good job.