Phono stage or pre Amp? which is most important.

I've just got back into vinyl after many years of digital music listening. Bought my myself a cheap turntable(Linn Basik, Akito arm, AT 95e Cartridge) and a project phonobox e phono stage. Just wondering how important the phono stage is compared to the amps it's going into. I know the project is only a £50 box so just wondering what next step up would be. My pre is a NAC 202 with NAPSC, Power is NAP 200, speakers CM6 s2. Is the Naim Stageline worth the money or is there a more budget friendly step up.
Last time I heard a budget Pro-Ject phono stage, I thought it was pretty bad. In fact I think the model you have is even lower than what I heard (though it was several years ago). I’d suspect even that budget AT cartridge can do much better; that current phono stage is quite possibly the weak link. Try a Hagerman Bugle 3, it’s really affordable at $185 and sounds good! That leaves money to upgrade other stuff in the meantime. Then later, you can go for a big cart & phono stage upgrade together, when you're ready.
I would think nicer thoughts about your equipment,

The only thing 'cheap' (simply inexpensive) is the cartridge, I would suggest keeping it for a spare and getting a better one now or soon.

Stylus shape is important, definite audible differences, have a read:

Fineline, Microline, SAS, Shibata, all cost more, however they last longer, so look at cost per hour when comparing.

This one would be a terrific choice IMO

IF/AFTER you get further into Vinyl, then think about 

Let's talk about proper cartridge mounting and precise alignments.

A few tools are needed, and some acquired skills are needed.

What are your skills?

AT 95 is a nice performer and your tt combo will benefit from a better phono stage. Start there and practice your alignment skills with this cartridge. 
My experience tells $500 phono pre and $1000 preamp will be a better choice than $250 phono pre and $2000 preamp.
The difference between $500 and $250 phono pre will be considerably bigger than the diff between $1000 and $2000 preamp.
In terms of partst:
$150 phono stage and $500 phono stage can be absolutely the same, but with different label and different box. Price is nothing in this case (in this category at least) and can’t be a guide.