Phono Stage Pass XP 15 VS Aesthetix Rhea

My System has Preamp Pass XP 20,Amplifier Pass X250.5,Tannoy DC 10T,CD Pleayer Wadia 581iSE,so I need Phono Stage very soon and I will ask you which one will be more suitable like Pass XP 15 and Aesthetix Rhea?
I will considering all experience and sound testing from all friends.
Many Thanks

Very different products. One is tube, one is solid state. I would choose based on that.
I would choose the Herron VTPH-2 over either of those two. I know you didn't ask for other manufacturer's.
Both are good, but I would probably select the Pass in your case to stay with the Pass house sound that you like, based on your current equipment choices.

I have a Rhea and think it is great, but system synergy is important as well as selecting what you like in your system.