Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?

Hello all. After searching for hours and not quite understanding if I’m processing the information right, I figured I would sign up ask the question directly with my specific information. Obviously new to home audio so please go easy. I bought a "new to me" Sota Sapphire with a Sumiko Premier FT-3 tonearm and Dynavector DV-10X5 cart. I leveled it out and set up the arm. Hooked it up to my Denon DRA-800H receiver (which says it has a phono input) paired up with Polk RTI A3 bookshelves. Everything "works" fine. Highs are clean and crisp. No funky sounds or anything like that so overall success. My issue comes with the overall loudness of the playback (having to almost max the volume at 70 before achieving listenable levels) and the lack of bass and overall dimension in the music. Not having a sub and understanding they are only bookshelves I don’t expect the world of them but I was thinking it should sound better than my bluetooth Bose Soundlink? Being an MC cart the person a bought the turntable from suggested I could benefit from running a dedicated phonostage before the Denon. The Parasound Jr. looks good giving the option to switch from MM to MC and seems to have a good fanbase.  Am I on the right track to a decent starter system? Any recommendations? looking for something I won’t have to upgrade for a while, but not looking to sell my bike either. Please help school me on this rabbit hole I’ve ventured into! Also not opposed to tubes, but I’m sure that’s a whole other world I shouldn’t be exploring quite yet. Thanks in advance.

Recap on what I have:
Sota Sapphire
Sumiko Premier FT-3
Dynavector DV-10X5
Denon DRA-800h
Polk RTI A3
Atmasphere: I purchased the zphono xrm yesterday. I was going to update everyone tonight after hooking it up. If your theory is correct and the tonearm is not set properly, or the cartridge is dameged then I would not exactly be pleased. I could always return the zphono at that point. I will look into the height of the tonearm tonight when I get home from work and update you. Being pretty new to this I will admit I hadn't even thought to check that. The person I bought the table from had It set and I suppose I just figured it was good. 
So the tonearm is indeed at the correct height and everything is hooked up. There is a major improvement already. I played around with some of the settings and so far I've run into some interesting findings...
1. I tend to like the sound with the mono switch on. Regardless of the record being stereo or mono.
2. The MC section of the pre amp has 50db gain or 60db. I'm having trouble finding a balance. Recommendation from dynavector is 50db with 1000h ohmz load. So that's where I started. It seemed fine. And playing with the knob up or down didn't improve the sound, and actually degraded in most cases. Then I decided to switch to 60db gain and see what I get. What a difference! It seemed great when I turned it down to around 150-300 ohmz. But in some of the high lyric sections I got some breaking up and crackling. So it seems Im between ok sound at 50db with the impedence all the way up, or pretty good sound at 60db with it cranked all the way down and the occasional crackle pop. What do you guys make of that? 

Anyway thanks to all for your input and suggestions. It is playing much better overall regardless of which setting I put it on. And I no longer feel like I made a terrible mistake buying the Sota! I'm going to be spending a lot of time surfing these pages learning as much as I can through my hifi journey. Thank you all agian.
Usually, high output moving coils are designed to run into a MM section, not a MC section. Your overloading it.

Also, did you hook up your new phono stage to the phono input, or any other high level input, (i.e. Aux, tape, CD, etc)?  That's where it should be, (high level input, NOT phono).
Its hooked into the CD input on the reciever. So plug the turntable output into MM and give that a try? 
That's the right input on the receiver.  Now hook up the turntable to the MM input on the Parasound Zphono.