Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?

Hello all. After searching for hours and not quite understanding if I’m processing the information right, I figured I would sign up ask the question directly with my specific information. Obviously new to home audio so please go easy. I bought a "new to me" Sota Sapphire with a Sumiko Premier FT-3 tonearm and Dynavector DV-10X5 cart. I leveled it out and set up the arm. Hooked it up to my Denon DRA-800H receiver (which says it has a phono input) paired up with Polk RTI A3 bookshelves. Everything "works" fine. Highs are clean and crisp. No funky sounds or anything like that so overall success. My issue comes with the overall loudness of the playback (having to almost max the volume at 70 before achieving listenable levels) and the lack of bass and overall dimension in the music. Not having a sub and understanding they are only bookshelves I don’t expect the world of them but I was thinking it should sound better than my bluetooth Bose Soundlink? Being an MC cart the person a bought the turntable from suggested I could benefit from running a dedicated phonostage before the Denon. The Parasound Jr. looks good giving the option to switch from MM to MC and seems to have a good fanbase.  Am I on the right track to a decent starter system? Any recommendations? looking for something I won’t have to upgrade for a while, but not looking to sell my bike either. Please help school me on this rabbit hole I’ve ventured into! Also not opposed to tubes, but I’m sure that’s a whole other world I shouldn’t be exploring quite yet. Thanks in advance.

Recap on what I have:
Sota Sapphire
Sumiko Premier FT-3
Dynavector DV-10X5
Denon DRA-800h
Polk RTI A3
I switched to MM input at 50db today and all I can say is wow. Everything is so clear and I'm finally getting some bass notes out of the speakers. I can only imagine if I had a better amp and speakers what it could sound like. 

Atmasphere: I'm going to look into the forum and see what I can find for setting the tracking force. And also look online for a turntable protractor to check the things you suggested. Even though it's sounding 1000 times better doesn't mean I can stop there! I will post back once I get the protractor and let you know.
For tracking force you can buy an Ortofon DS-3 for around $80.00 to $100.00 on e-bay it works great and is very easy to use.Just look up online what the tracking force is for your particular cartridge then set the stylus down on the DS-3 turn it on and adjust the tonearm until you get the correct setting.A lot of cartridges are in the 1.75 to 2.25 range.
I'm surprised the hear your impression of the JC3+ as being noisy.
I've owned both the JC3 and the JC3+ and both of them have been dead quiet.  Their sound is the best I've heard (so far).  I've tried much more expensive units and have not felt they were even close to as good as the JC3+.  Perhaps yours had something wrong with it?
I've not heard the JC3 Junior but I imagine it should be pretty darn good based on the other JC3 models I've owned.