
Need help. Purchased a cartridge,benz micro LPS, currently have a nova phonomena phonostage which I believe is my weak link. Would like to upgrade phonostage with tube or solid state with at least 62 db of gain. After a natural sound with lots of detail. Listen mostly to jazz to include female singers would like to have as much depth as possible. Budget is $5000 new or used. Suggestions please.
Klyne 7 Phono
Sounding as natural as breathing, adjustable in gain and impedance.
Beats any Pass in the first 3s :-)
Linn Uphorik!

I compared the Sutherland 20/20, Parasound JC-3 and Linn Uphorik and decided to get the Linn Uphorik.

It's extremely quiet and provides loads of settings to match most cartridges.

Here is a link to an excellent review of the Linn Uphorik: