pick me a cd player please-3k to 4k budget

please advise as i would like to buy a used,good player.system:Dodd preamp,Vac 30/30 Sig3,Zu Definitions.any help thks a bunch.i you have one for sale,please call.
If it were my money I would buy either a Wadia that has been to GNS, the Classe Omega (I think is the name of their flagship model, it's been a while...) or a Krell SACD standard.

There are lots of good units out there, but I don't have experience with the others...
I'd go with an Audio Aero Capitole MK2. Used will be a little over your budget but well worth it!
I love the GamuT CDP if still available. Reviews are excellent. I have been using one for 2yrs. + and no desire to change.