pick me a cd player please-3k to 4k budget

please advise as i would like to buy a used,good player.system:Dodd preamp,Vac 30/30 Sig3,Zu Definitions.any help thks a bunch.i you have one for sale,please call.

Look at a Space-Tech Lab DAC at about 3200$ cdn. It replaced my Gamut CD-1 ( I had it for 3 yrs).

The Gamut is no even close to the musical quality this Space Tech Lab DAC brings to my system. And at the moment, I am only using a cheap DVD player as my transport while I am looking for a quality transport. I am using an Atlas Opus as a digital cable ( an UHF recommended cable).

I am curious to hear this DAC with a quality transport.
Care about multi format or DVD? The Esoteric DV50s is a steal used at about 3k. Beat my Wadia 850 (unmodded).
i was only lookin' for a cdp for now.as good as you can get used for this budget.thks for ideas,i hear the Aero is recommended lots....
Consonance Droplet. I had one for an in home audition last year and it's still at the top of my list.

Another rec. is the Ayre CX-7e. Heard several in other systems but not in mine.

I could go for either one of these.
Resolution Opus 21 at about $2400 used is hard to beat and if you send it to GNSC for the reference mods it is real hard to beat.
I have a GNSC statement modded 860se which I have compared directly with the modded opus (very little to pick from...I slightly prefer the wadia but could easily live with either)
I have owned many higher priced digital front ends and to me the opus with or without GNSC mods is a real value champ.