Picture discs - Collectors items?


I have an opportunity to buy a few dozen new, sealed picture discs - leftover inventory.

I have a few questions, please. I shall use the abbreviation PD to refer to them following.

Were PDs just a novelty and suitable only for memorabilia collectors? I realise that PDs were being released just at the beginning of the CD era.

Were PDs pressed from a superior grade of vinyl? I've seen them in different colours.

Does the colour of the PD vinyl make a difference in the sonic quality of the recording?

Were any PDs re-mastered at all? Again, this was at the time that CDs were being introduced and some recordings were re-mastered.

I am not looking to buy and then sell this stuff on eBay but to add to my collection.

Thanks and regards,


Showing 1 response by casey33

Musicslug I have that Motor Booty Affair PD I always thought it was George Clinton on the Waterskis.I have many PDs including FDR Fireside Chats on 10" and 2 gals getting it on which is a scratch and sniff PD on cardboard,but no I have never had the curiousity or nerve to test it out. A guy locally buys any and all PDs from me at 5 bucks a pop,He decorates with them.I have sold him well over a hundred.Sold two copies of a Manilow shaped (his head) PD on eBay one at 12 the other at 18,so can't really say they're worthless.