Pink Floyd fans, Limited Ed CD Hybrid disc

Subj: Dark Side of the Moon LTD.Ed Hybrid CD by Pink Floyd

I am very happy since I found out digital is going somewhere!
All you Floyd fans out there, this Hybrid is not another remaster with new packaging like what has been happening for the past few years by Floyd.
Its superb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I mean superb!
My Mofi cd will be on ebay soon, yes it sounds better than my Mobil Fidelity Sound II CD that I have!

Try track 7 and you will know what I am saying, I only got this similar effect on my turntable before and now my Krell CD player is able to do it thanks to the software improvement. Good job das boot recordings!
I still prefer the Mobile Fidelity UDCD517 (made in Japan)disc to the cd layer of the newest release of Dark Side of the Moon.
The mofi is at a lower recording level, but I can compensate for that with the volume control. If things keep going the way they are with the hybrid releases and as my collection of them grows, it is likely I'll buy an sacd player to compare that layer. Not very interested in surround at this point.
Sogood glad you like the multichannel had to laugh though that DSOM only sounded good in your car before.
It's widely regarded as one of the great rock albums of all time.....sounds good anywhere...on anything actually.
Ben, I should have been more clear I guess. It is a great rock album, I never liked it on cd except in the car. I did enjoy it on LP when I had a Turntable. A lot of older rock I own gets much more play in the car, this cd sounds much better on the hi-fi than the old 2 channel redbook copy I had lost interest in and the multichannel has brought it back in the house so to speak. I could put up with some more multichannel Floyd without to much of an arm twist.
Sogood no worries glad you enjoying it whatever-guess I was in "it's about the music " mode.
Well I always am.
Best regards,
Listened to this today, I had never run my system in 7 channel mode. I spent the whole day yesterday setting the system up from scratch. My new room is set up on the long wall, (27 ft.) with the new 7 channel setup, Room depth is now 22 ft. in this setup. All 7 speakers are now 11 ft. from the center of couch (there is no real sweet spot) so I used this point as one. This is a great multichannel mix, My wife even came in and listened (she never does this) and was blown away. Also listened to Beck and Frankie goes to Hollywood multichannel sacd's, these are a "10" on the scale. Well, gotta go cut the grass.