Pink Floyd

I see that all/most of Pink Floyds catalog is being re-mastered and scheduled for release later this year. Any news or insights?
I agree that the Dead are way overrated, (IMHO of course). Which is not to say they are a bad band, or even merely okay, as I consider them to be a good band, probably even very good. I just don't consider them to be a great band. (Sorry Deadheads!)

And yeah, I'd seen them twice. Once was one of the worst concert experiences I've ever had. (And no, I was not having a bad trip, merely a bad experience, as their playing was mediocre, and they seemed genuinely disinterested, as was the crowd). The second concert was much better, as they backed Bob Dylan, and it was a very fun experience.

On the other hand, Pink Floyd is one of the best bands ever, IMHO. (I rank them right up there with The Beatles, The Stones and Led Zeppelin.)

My two cents worth.

PS As far as the reissues go, if they are not going to utilise the original analog recordings, (which I have heard they are not), then I am just not too excited about it. I have most of their catalog on vinyl already, so for me, it is not a big deal.
Well maybe we should end this thread right now due to total and utter apathy! 8^)
I certainly agree with the comparison to the Gateful Dead as far as the "boring factor" is concerned.
After 35 or more years of being bombarded on FM radio with Pink Void's plodding dirges and embarrassingly trite lyrics meant to appeal to supposedly disenfranchised teenagers that are 50 years younger that they are now, I have had more than enough. And all the while, great talents like Johnny Winter and Jethro Tull, just to mention two, might as well have never existed as far as these stations are concerned.
This is one band that has been so overexposed who could blame all the yawns? Its a money grab that I am not going to contribute to.