Pioneer HPM-40 Vintage Speakers

Hi, again.  Newbie here, so please forgive my naivete.  I see an abundance of listings on ebay for quite the nice asking prices.  I wish to sell these locally.  Can't find any listings on Craigslist, again, so wondering if people are not wanting to sell on Craigslist.  If these were your speakers, and they work, what would you sell them for?  Thanks so much!

Showing 1 response by kalali

Those were the first pair of "decent" loudspeakers I bought back in college and had them stored in my basement until a year ago. Came home from work one day and the dear wife (with help from our cleaning lady) decided to clean the basement and the speakers  along with my Dual turntable both ended up at the local Goodwill. Fortunately my Pioneer SX-980 was upstairs in a closet otherwise that would have been gone too. Didn't think they were worth much except just sentimental value. They did sound good but a tad bright.

I'd price them in the $75-$100 range in very good condition.