'planar' vs. 'boxes'

does anyone have any input, advice, exp., etc., on the pros and cons of the two types of speakers. i'm about to buy, but not sure if i should put money out on acustic, planar, electrostatic, etc., etc., HELP! thanks, lloyd

Showing 1 response by gonzalo

I have listen to electrostatics my favorite planar type, and the ribbons, to my ears the electrostatics (Martin Logans) sound the more real. In practical use, unless you have a tremendous budget on amplification to apply a Krell made crossover and some real hefty amplification let's say Classé, Krell, Mark Levinson, etc, the ML won't sound their best. There are extremely detailed and very well designed speakers in the market, I own a pair of NHT 3.3 highly recommended, also the 2.9's but also listen to Dunlavy and Von Scweikert VR series of speakers they are also quite good. Sound quality/price ratio the NHT 2.9 are very and I mean very hard to beat. I love planars, but I think music is better served by being played thrugh well designed dynamic speakers. If I had unlimited budget I would have 2 complete systems and I would own a set of Martin Logans CLS's or Sequel's or Re-Quests' but it will be on my second system, My flagship system will conyinue to delight me with NHT's or perhaps Dunlavy's maybe even Wilson Watt-Puppy combo. Go listen for yourself, don't let anybody sell you something. listen with your heart you'll end up living a few years of your life with these speakers. make your choice a clear one. Best of lucks Gonzalo