Platinum Audio Solos-vs-Tyler Ref Monitor

Hi There:
would appreciate any thoughts and experiences on the sonic character of these two fine monitors and how they compare to each other,i currently have the solos and like them but you know how it is,here is the rest of my system.
sft-1 transport
resolution audio quantum double dacs in balanced mode
simaudio moon i-5 integrated 70w p/c but handles the power hungry solos just fine.
tad power purifier
yamamura quantum and jps labs p/c's
omega mikro ic's
syn research ref x-series spk cables.
thanks so much and regards to all.

Showing 1 response by lgraf

The Solos are one of the best mini monitors I have ever heard. They always amazed me with their deep and tight bass, superb imaging and overall musicality. However, they are not easy to set up and must be driven by carefully matched electronics to sound their best. I drove mine with 250W Conrad Johnson MF-2500 and this combination was absolutely fabulous. I have never experienced any excessive brightness and the sound never go fatiguing - just pure music.