Playback Designs vs. Berkeley

Anyone compared the Playback Designs DAC or player to the Berkeley Alpha DAC head-to-head? With or without external source for the PDS?
i did this comparison a few years back and at the time it was only on Redbook. i had just got the Playback and a friend sent me the Berkeley to compare for him as he was considering the 2 units.

i used the Playback as a transport into the Berkeley.

it was not close; the Playback was much better.....more dynamic, more detail, more body, more real.

again; this was not using a music server as a source and no hi hez content.

i would also refer anyone with this question to Bruce Brown for the best answer; who not only has these 2 units but most of the other SOTA dacs as well.
From everything I've read about the Playback Designs, sounds like an exceptional unit and I would love to own one.
For those that can afford one it's probably the way to go.
The thing is, many of us have to be satisfied with the Toyota rather than the Bugatti.
Of course, I take it for granted the Bugatti will beat the Toyota, but the Toyota will still get you there.
The PD MPS-5 was reviewed/tested in the 2/10 issue of Stereophile.

Some folks over on the Computer Audiophile forum think the Metric Halo ULN-8/LIO-8 also sound much better the Berkeley Alpha DAC.

Unless you have a large DSD collection, I'd check those units out before spending $15K on the PD MPS-5.
Kana813: I think he was asking about the Playback Designs DAC (MPD-5), not the player (MPS-5). It is $4000.00 less.

SACD/DSD collections really have very little to do with why people are buying a PD. Most of the owners we have use them for redbook and hi-res off of a computer. Being able to play SACD is just a bonus.

Best Regards,
Jonathan Tinn
Playback Designs