Playing dual layer SACD/CD disc on Sony DVP9000 ES

My Sony DVP 9000ES (unmodified) ceased playing the SACD layer on "hybrid" SACD/CD discs early on. Unit does play Redbook CD and single layer SACD "only" discs without problem. Toggling the remote or going into player set-up menus does not correct the problem - player always defaults to CD layer on hybrid discs. Am wondering if this may be a firmware/software issue? Has anyone experienced similar problems? Am also considering replacing the 9000ES with Arcam FMJ CD-33 for CD playback purposes versus performing upgrade mods (e.g. Modwright) on the Sony - any opinions?
Here is Sfstereo's original post:

I have the same problem with my 9000ES and I was able to fix it tonight by recalibrating the laser. I bought a service CDROM and it provides instruction for recalibarating.

When the unit is in power off status with the power button push in, press the following buttons on the remote in this order:
title, clear, power

This will bring you to the service menu on your tv display.
select item 1 - auto adjustment

Then select 0 - ALL and it be prepare to follow the displayed instructions. You will need the following kinds of disks:

DVD - Single layer
DVD - Dual layer
SACD - not hybrid

I had to use a couple of each kind of disk. It kept aborting the test until I found SACD disk that it would play but once it plays the disk, it will store the calibrated value in an EPROM.
It takes about 15-20 minutes and now all my hybird SACD work just fine.

Good luck.

Sfstereo (Answers)

I have the same issue:

Charles: did you try this yet?

I will try this as soon as I get a monitor hooked up.
I was really stoked to find this thread, having just encountered my first hybrid disk - LET IT BLEED!!! - whose SACD layer will not play on my 9000es.

So I've gone through the 15+ SACDs in my collection, and every single one of them is a hybrid! Dang....

Can anyone recommend a musically worthwhile classical or jazz sacd that is SACD only (not hybrid)?


my player wouldn't even automatically attempt to calibrate the SACD layer.

When I attempted to do SACD manually, I couldn't get it to work, either.


frustrating, to say the least.
I tried the procedure that Sfstereo described and it did not work for me, although, I did not have a "DVD - Dual layer" disc. (Not even sure what that is.) Also, I was surprised that a hybrid SACD disc was not required for the callibration.

Anyway, I think I need to return it for service. Any ideas how to find a service center for the 9000ES? I tried Sony's website but struck out there.