Please disclose your commercial affiliation

I am not going to mention names or products, but I think most Audiogoneers have read a number of product reviews or threads and have wondered if the writer is one way or the other commercially associated with that product.

I number of folks do sometimes do push a product so hard or vehemently defend any negative comments about a particular product in way that actually revels their affiliation.

Insiders, you know who you are.

Would you agree that if you are associated with a product, it is fair to the community to disclose your affiliation
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hi macrojack:

you're a genius. if i stated what you stated, i would be villified. instead, you have been ignored. you are a breath of fresh air and sanity. thank you for your wisdom.

i would like to add that an incognito dealer does not gain from touting a product. he/she won't gain a sale because his/her idendity is hidden. hence it doesn't matter whether an audio professional reveals his/her affiliation.

all recommendations should be confirmed. let your ears decide, not someone else's mouth.
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an intelligent person will not rely on the opinions of strangers. regardless of the motivation, it is useful to use your own judgment and ears.

perception of sound is unique, as well as preferences. the use of terms is not precise. it is unlikely that another person will be so similiar in regard to all of the relevant parameters that are of concern to hobbyists that reliance on other persons' judgment can eliminate significant risk.