Please explain mono

Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the purpose of mono in today's day and age and with about anything available in stereo.  I ask this because i feel that I'm missing something and may be able to learn something. 




Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the purpose of mono in today’s day and age and with about anything available in stereo. I ask this because i feel that I’m missing something and may be able to learn something.



I own over 400 mono records, 1954-1967. So all mono microgroove.

These are all legacy recordings, and only available in mono, or “electronically rechanneled for stereo”. I have some great rechanneled records, but the original mono records are my favorites!

I use a GE VRII true mono tip-sensing MI cartridge. Using my own rebuilt styli. There is NOTHING BETTER! Ruler flat FR, and super dynamic tip-sensing sound that is UNLIKE ANY conventional cartridge! It reads what the stylus tip is doing, not from the opposite end of a long, lossy cantilever. The difference of a tip-sensing cartridge is a NIGHT AND DAY difference over all conventional MC and MM/MI cartridges!

The sound is QUIET, DYNAMIC, and articulate (very detailed!) with smoothness throughout the FR. Just completely enjoyable! Every bit as enjoyable as all of my 4,500+ stereo records.

I use my true mono cartridge on a stereo headshell with 2 wires REMOVED. NO STRAPPING!! I give my mono cartridge the proper loading it needs! Strapping a stereo cartridge DESTROYS proper cartridge coil loading! You destroy flat FR! Same for a 2-pin true mono cartridge! Strapping a 2-pin mono cartridge (4 wire headshell!) destroyed the proper loading for the coils!

I use the mono switch on my preamp so that I get TWIN MONO signal to my amplifiers. This results in a balanced L and R output from my speakers, with a full center (phantom) center fill, and room-filling sound. You’d never know it wasn’t STEREO without knowing the record was MONO.

Great mono is worth achieving. You don’t know until you achieve it.

Post removed 

Someone once explained to me that it allows a person to focus more directly on the music and not be distracted by any imaging tricks that stereo is presenting. Not sure I 100% agree with that, but I can certainly see the argument.

The majority of multi track recordings are actually a compendium of mono tracks panned to simulate stereo.

Thanks all.   I think I'm understanding. ...and to you mr.wolfie62,   sounds like you know your sh.. not sure I'll ever be on your level but thanks for the passionate explanation.  Im new to vynle so everyone's expertise is appreciated.  What sparked my question was that I bought a jimi hendrix  are you experienced lp and when i got it home realized it was mono.   Stupid me....but then I thought that there must be something to this mono thing or they wouldn't be reissuing mono lps and there wouldn't be mono settings on modern avrs or integrated amps.  Plus I have a bunch of classical lps from the 50's and 60's that were my dad's. I think I need to do some tweaking to my set up to so I can hear what some of you are explaining.  
