Please help a noob

First off, I'll try to Reader's Digest this as much as possible.

I'm looking to set up a simple 2 channel reference system. And by reference I mean something small-ish that will be used primarily in the near-field as a critical listening set-up in a relatively small room which I plan on doing some acoustic treatments in as well.

I work in the car audio industry (yeah, I know, never get as good in a car, etc. and I agree) What I am looking for is a system that I can both use as a reference tool for work related things (be able to have a good baseline for what things are supposed to sound like so I can use that knowledge for systems I build at work) and also recreational listening. Source will likely be 80% iPod (lossless or wav) and 20% CD.

I have been reading all over the place and am just overwhelmed with all the options. My current hangups are integrated vs. separate, and then options beyond that.

I don't have a tone of $ to work with. I'd like to keep the preamp/amp portion of this in the $700-$850 ish range.

Finally, I have the option to buy Parasound New Classic products new at a very good price. My main question I guess is Parasound New Classic 2100 pre + either New Classic 275 or 2125 or look at used in which I've been looking at Parasound HCA amps and P/LD 1100 pre. Also, the used option opens up things like NAD, Rotel, etc.

Like I said, looking for input on this front from people in the know because I feel somewhat lost. Sorry for the rambling, and thanks for any input!

If you can get a real good deal on Parasound Classic series, I'd say go for it. I've heard *very* good things about this series. For nearfield, the 75 wpc amp would probably be enough, though there's a part of me that thinks you can never have too much power. You're definitely onto something with the Dynaudio X12s, too.

You really couldn't lose with that combo if it fits your budget. We A-goners could argue the finer points of the merits of this integrated vs. that stack of separates, or which of a myriad of mini-monitors would work well. But really, if you combine Parasound Classics with Dynaudio, you are going to get one of the very best implementations of what you're looking for at your budget.

Best of all, they will last long and their sonic signatures are easy to live with over time, and that's very important.
"I'd like to keep the preamp/amp portion of this in the $700-$850 ish range.”

Bang for the buck performance, in that price range, will be dominated by integrated amplifiers. Glancing at the classifieds, I saw an Edge Premier Series 13, and a PS Audio C-100 integrated that might be of interest.
I have the Tekton 6.5t bookshelf monitors that I really like and look to be similar to the monitors you are considering, but are only $600. The Tektons and a good int amp with a DAC would go a long way.

06-21-12: Phaelon
"I'd like to keep the preamp/amp portion of this in the $700-$850 ish range.”

Bang for the buck performance, in that price range, will be dominated by integrated amplifiers.
Under typical circumstances, I agree. I love integrateds. But he says he can get a special deal on Parasound New Classic separates, so I'm assuming he can get them together in his price range. If he can get a Parasound New Classic Pre 2100 and 275 power amp for $850-ish, that will definitely take care of business and be hard to surpass at that price. The 2100 even has a line/MM/MC selectable input, HT pass-through, remote control, front panel mini-plug input for iPod/computer, and subwoofer output with bass management. That's a lot of flexibility plus room for future growth.
It's more like the 2100 Pre and 2125 amp for $850 ish. I can do it with the 275 for around $725 ish. :) That is the primary reason I 'm leaning that way.