Please help me figure out what I need to do this. My head spins with tech talk..

I am considering a sim audio moon cd transport 260dt to replace my beloved CD player that just died.I have a Plinius 9200 integrated. What do I need to make this combo work? Do I need a DAC?I get that transports are different from players but I just want to make sense of all of this in a simple way. thanks!

A CD player has 2 basic components/functions. It is a Transport (spinner) and a DAC (converts the digital bits read by the transport into an analog signal that can be input'd to your integrated amp.).

If you buy the Moon CD Transport, you will need a DAC to convert the digital output of the transport into an analog signal that can be sent via an analog interconnect cable to your integrated amplifier. 
I can't find immediately the 260dt model you refer to, but I presume this is the 260D CD Transport with optional DAC.  As the name implies, this is something of a rare beast, in that the single box can be had either purely as a transport OR as a player (transport+DAC), thus obviating the need for a second box.
ah...thank you both...reubent & twoleftears..Yes..that 260D is the model I am considering..I see that newer models of my integrated amp and (others) now have a DAC as part of their spec but mine now is before this new age...I plan to strictly listen to my CD's..not computer it looks like if I stick with this Moon I will need to get the Transport/DAC combo..(or upgrade to a more current Plinius integrated)..correct? (now I am just thinking outloud and hoping you are listening...thank you!

@abstract; IMO your Plinius 9200 is a very nice integrated unit that you should keep, built like a tank and can drive any speaker. If you want to save space purchase a CDP (transport and DAC in one unit), there are many really good ones available new or used. There is nothing wrong with the Moon 260D although I have not researched the DAC that it has and possibly a different Transport and separate DAC would sound better, however not necessary.
If you like the Plinius and are set on getting the Moon 260Dt transport ( I assume because you have found one at a very fair price) then all you would need to do to play via the Plinius is a very simple DAC.

Now if go this route you would need ensure the DAC you buy has the same input that the Moon has output, ie, spdif, toslink or aes/ebu.

Some of the cheaper DAC units are really meant for computer audio and come with just a Usb input which would not work for you.

Still I think there are plenty of sub $300 units that would work. A lot less than replacing the Plinius just to get a taste of transport to DAC to amp.

If you want recommendations for good low price DAC there will be no shortage of willing volunteers of information here.
Good luck