Please help with your opinion

I'm currently slowly upgrading my system and would appreciate your opinion. Here is what I'm currently using...

music hall 2.1 (clearaudio Aurum Alpha cart)
Rega RS3 speakers (first upgrade)
Yamaha A-500 amp (early 80's)

Should I upgrade my TT to a Rega P5 or purchase a Jolida Tube amp. I intend to upgrade both but which would you purchase first. Thank you very for your opinion and help!

I'm generally not in agreement that your amp is near the end of its life. I have two Yamaha amps from that period and they are both out-to-equally performing in comparison to some of the much newer and more expensive amps I've had chance to hear. The older Yamahas were built very good, and, they had rather good phono capabilities.

An upgrade to a good used Music Hall 7 or one of the lower end SOTAs could be worth exploring.
I would second the turntable upgrade first - I went with the P5 myself, and am very happy with it. It will be a very big improvement on your Music Hall, I have had both of those tables in my system - better soundstaging and imaging, and better resolution of instrumental and vocal timbres. However, I would never argue against someone wanting to move to tubes, either, though I have not heard the Jolida's in particular.
if your associated equipment is not up to date enough to hear source upgrades then you are wasting your money.....the source can't be heard correctly if you can't hear it through the gear you are using and you can't hear small detailed differences until you have a good detailed amp....