About 15 yrs ago, while picking vinyl in a thrift store, I encountered a man who said he had a lot of classical records to sell. I was just getting back into vinyl and so I looked. Long story short, I ended up buying about 800 albums, all classical. They were all in NM condition and had the markings on them showing that they had been in a library. Thus NM. Mostly all imports. Philips Denmark?, London UK Gramaphone, Terlefunkin Mercury, I figured I might learn to like classical music...so I bought them. Truth be told, he had nowhere to store them properly and so they were in the garage.. The moisture had not started doing its damage yet. But I know it would soon if I didn't rescue them. I like some of them but I'm really a classic rocker at heart. But I love to hear those who are knowledgeable , talk about the different renditions and composers. Guess I'm weird that way.
BTW, I think it was audio asylum which had a thread listing the must have classical records. I have a print out of it. But I'm pretty sure it was 15 or so years ago. You may search there and see if it appears.