Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!


+1 to everyone who said "go on a road trip".  If you can afford the speakers and the cost of the road trip, make it an adventure. 

I bought the entry level Avalon NP Evolution 2.0 speakers for my son's system (on a road trip where he agreed to the purchase) and, years later, they are still functioning well with surprisingly decent sound.  They have limited bass, but sound decent in a smallish room.

Speakers can last decades with reasonable care. Make it an adventure.


I own a pair of Avalon Idea and their are terrific. Wide and deep soundstage. Musical and well balanced tone-wise. Great sound in a rather small footprint. They also look fantastic and built in a way that is not so common anymore. They look like high end furniture and the sound is not less!

Ah, Nirvana postponed yet again.....but perhaps a new twist to it.

Now, instead of 'merely speakers' *cough*, perhaps a Different amp... match 'proper'. 😊😏

'"Will the cycle be unbroken 'n 'n bye..."

Merry PreXmas, y' naughty nicely out there... ;<{> hohowhoa

I had a pair, very briefly, in the late 90’s. Very pretty. They were unremarkable with my OTL amps that had been fine with my Martin Logan monoliths so I got rid of them. I personally wouldn’t cross the street for them, but maybe you have more power.