Plinius 9100 or Simaudio Moon i5 for Totem Hawks?

Has anyone compared the Plinius 9100 and Simaudio Moon i5 when listening to Totem Hawk speakers?

I have Totem Hawk speakers and the Bel Canto DAC 2 as a source, and am looking to upgrade my amplifier.

I've heard the Moon i5 and the Plinius 9100 are a good match for the Hawks. If anyone had a chance to hear them, I'd love to hear your thoughts and how you thought they differed from one another. Thank you very much!

Showing 4 responses by hugonyc

Thanks, Jh2os. I live in an apartment and cannot crank up the volume, which is why I chose the Hawks over the Forests, but I agree with you that i-5 wouldn't be sufficient with the Forest. Take care.
Hi Emster. Thanks for your input. What were the Plinius and Simaudio models that you compared, and what differences did you hear that made you prefer the Plinius? Thanks again.
Thanks, everyone. I'll still be monitoring this thread, but I appreciate all your input so far.