Plinius SA-250 or Mark Levinson/Krell/Mc

I'm about to place my dollar on a new Plinius SA-250 MKIV and now having a second thought. I'm planning to upgrade my speaker to B&W 802. Is Plinius in the same league as Mark Levinson/Krell or McIntosh? Will I be getting the same sonic quality/sound stage as the big league equipment? Should I save my money and go for a used ML/Krell or Mac instead? Please help.
Respectfully Patrick, you need to go out and listen to the amps you've mentioned, and make your choice based on music quality/character and not on any sort of implied "pedigree" or cost of component. I have a $5K (MSRP) McCormack DNA-2DX and think it sounds much better than the more expensive Levinson 331, or Krell FPB 200, and the McCormack does not have the "status" of these other amps. I haven't heard the Plinius, but from what I've read it is excellent in all respects. Just my opinion, but it worked for me. PS: I now consider the McCormack to be a "status" amp. Good Hunting. Craig.
I think the ? should be, Is the Krell or ML in the same league as the big Plinius. I've heard some awesome Demo's
before but never anything like the Plinius and Pipedreams
demo at the 2001 CES . The SA250's and CD LAD (preamp) were the most transparent amp and preamp combo that I have ever
heard and I am considering them myself. Good Luck----------
The Hub
I have not heard the SA-250 but I used to owned a SA-100 Mk III. It did not sound nearly as good as a Levinson 334 on my B&W 802's. The Levinson was better in all respects - especially bass. However, it is possible that the SA-250 may sound better than the SA-100, you should listen to the options for yourself.
I just heard the Edge NL amp and understand why TAS said such good things about them. They are well worth the extra outlay. Does not seem to do anything wrong.It sounds to pure to be solid state. Check