The Bryston 14sst is a good solid-state amplifier, however it is very different from the Plinius 250IV. I compared the two a while ago, and liked the Plinius much better. Compared to the Bryston, the Plinius runs in higher current so you could really feel the vibrations of the instruments; the soundstage was bigger, and the natural sound is unbeatable. If you can find a used (but updated 250IV) in a good price, take it, and look no further.
Plinius SA250 and Bryston 14 SST
Hello, I am wondering if anybody of you out there has heard both those amps and would like to share your opinions with us. I am thinking of upgrading to a suitable amp to drive my large PMC MB1 speakers. Also, which preamp would you recommend with either amp? I am a bit scared of the high powerbills that the SA250 might generate when running in Class A, but then again, good things have their price...
Many thanks for your input
Many thanks for your input