PMC 24 and Canalis Cambria two way floorstanders; What is the advantage to this design?:

I recently noticed several 2 way floor standers, in particular, the PMC.24 ($6000 retail) and the Canalis Cambria  at $5000 retail.  Pro-AC and  Spendor also offer a few 2 way floorstanders

Is there any advantage to a 2 way floor stander  to a 3 way system??

I am aware that less drivers and crossovers, and a slimmer cabinet "usually" provide better sound quality; However, the retail prices of the above don't seemed to represent "good value".

Thank you, S.J. 

In the case of the PMC, the larger cabinet (vs. a standmount) provides for a longer transmission line to accurately develop design principles.  The transmission line is filled with damping material and absorbs all of the mid and high frequencies from the midbass driver that otherwise would reflect back into the driver or out of the cabinet's port. By the time the back wave of that driver travels the full length of the line, only bass notes remain and exit (out of phase) to reinforce the driver's front output. It makes for a very clean, uncolored sound overall, with tight bass (some may describe it as 'light' because it is so fast).  You really are getting the designer's experience, and technical driver and crossover design from the pro/studio world.



It's always fun to go vicarious shopping for someone else.

Looking on the 'gon right now, for me my top three choices in what's currently offered in that price range would be the Proac D28, Triangle Volante and Totem Forest Signature.  Any of those would significantly outclass the GET7s.

Still, if you buy used, 2.5-3.0 offers a pretty wide range of possibilities.  What have you heard with your own ears that you liked best?

Your system certenly deserve much better speakers than the GET  , I can recommend speakers with pro/studio approach: ATC,Proac,PMC,Spendor or Bryston. You can't go wrong with this brands.

twoleftears:  BTW, the Avanti MKII's I mentioned  appeared on e-bay in an auction ad . It expired on Wednesday or Thursday. The same seller ran the ad on AG about two months, but their were no takers

I heard the Totem Forests several years ago, and not sure how the Signature version is an upgrade in  sound.quality  The Triangle V's and Proac D-28 you cited I did not audition

Also thanks  to "itzhak1969" and keithtexas for your  comments.

Right now on ebay there's Dynaudio Contour S 3.4, Dynaudio Focus 340, Dali Helicon 400 Mk2, PSB Imagine T2 (B stock), etc.  In other words, between 'gon, US audio mart and ebay there's a wealth of very good choices.  But only *your* ears can tell you.