PMC IB1 and room size

I just put a down payment on a demo pair of these. I still have not yet heard them, but the price was so good, I'm not worried about getting my money back if I don't like them (tho it's interesting I've never heard anyone say anything bad about them!). They seem ideal for my needs, but I'm a bit concerned they may be a bit much for my room.

My room is a specially-constructed trapezoidal room -- about 225 square feet. Short ceilings, but heavily bass-trapped. Any IB1 owners here want to chime in regarding whether or not this is too small a room for these speakers? Do they play well against the wall (I've heard they do)?


I have a pair of IB1's and an IB1 center in a room of the same size as yours and they are fantastic speakers. Mine are against the wall with no problems. When you are ready, the 4B-SST is a huge improvement over the 4B-ST with the IB1s.
The bass was less boomy (not that I found them real boomy with the ST) with the SST and perhaps reached deeper, although this may have been masked with the ST. Mids and highs were a touch fuller, but not too full. I've recently also added a Bel Canto DAC3 to my system (analog bypass input to the SP-1.7) and the bass is just crazy good. For more comments you might want to look at audiocircle's Bryston/PMC newsgroup (I moderate this newsgroup but have no no financial relationship with Bryston nor PMC). I also bought my IB1's without listening and they are the best speakers that I have heard to date.
Interesting. My chain will be Benchmark DAC-1 -> 4BST -> IB1s

What's the address of that group?
Sounds like a good combination. Try to get hold of a pair of 3b-st or a single 8b-st (4 channel) and use that to trimap the speakers - it makes a huge difference.