Schubert, the PMCs do sound amazing with rock music, but I listen to a lot of indie, alternative, acoustic, blues, and folk rock as well. They sound bloody amazing with everything I play. If you have a stellar recording, they sound shockingly lifelike. They are the most accurate mid range I've ever heard (talking about my ib2 here). The bass is full range and has more power than any speaker I've ever heard yet never sounds boomy or bloated. The only down side I can find is they sound best with loads of power. Everyone has different taste, but in my 30 years of enjoying this hobby buying the PMC ib2 has made me happier by far than any other single purchase. I'm a music lover first and an audiophile second. A lot of audiophiles say that, but they are often full of it. If you love music more than buying equipment (and there's no shame if you don't), then I strongly recommend trying PMC speakers.