Power Amp/Pre-Amp

I am considering upgrading my sytem. I have Snell E V's and an Arcam DIVA CD92. Cables are currently up in the air.
The system resides in a living room 28x17 feet. Previous amplifiers have run the gamut from Luxman, NAD and Primare.
I liked them all, but lean toward the sound of the Primare (A 20)and on the integrated side am thinking of the Primare 30.1 but am still auditioning others.

While I have had integrated amplifiers in the past, and may get another, I also want to look at seperates. This is as much from a desire for future flexibility as for sound quality. I am budgeting approximately $4,000 and may buy one or both componants used. I am looking for advice in two areas. First, do the Snells rate this upgrade (I think so, but would appreciate other opinions). Second, in light of the number of componants on the market, I don't quite know where to begin. I would appreciate help in developing a list of pre- and power amplifiers to check out.
Thank you all for your advice. Several of the names mentioned were on my list, but others were not. My next challenge will be to see whats available locally. My budget has just been sidetracked by a bamboo fly rod. This is just as well as I can now continue the search and begin some auditions without the risk of an impulse buy. I have one further question. One of my complaints about my current system is its lack of fullness at lower volumes. Does this eliminate or strengthen any of the recommended components? I assume not at the quality we're discussing but thought I should ask.
Again, thanks. This has been very helpful.
As I continue to think through this upgrading process, I find myself with a chicken and egg question. Since I currently have an integrated amp, I will need to audition both pre-amps and power amps. I can't figure out how to make solid comparisons if both componants are constantly changing. Short of finding someone to lend me one componant for an extended period (and I can't think of anyone who can do this, I have two choices. I can buy one componant without an in-home audition and use it to audition the other or buy a "cheap" componant for the same purpose. Any thoughts would be appreciated - including which componant it makes the most sense to take a risk on.
i have excellent results w/a melos music-director preamp, & a pair of electrocompaniet aw60ftt's, run in a wertically-biamped. set-up. ewe should be able to find these used for ~$4k, or perhaps less. if ya don't need/want a bi-amp set-up, the look for an electrocompaniet aw120, or an aw250. the melos pre, imo, is competitive w/any pre currently awailable, & will allow ewe to postpone any digital upgrades until the next software format is firmly entrenched in the marketplace! ;~)

good luck, doug s., mite sell my electro amps if i can find a pair of $10k melos toob-amps used, that i can afford... :>)