Power amp suggestions for Peachtree & Triangle

Looking for a power amp with a budget of < $1000 to give a bit more punch to my system. I have a Peachtree Decco 65 integrated driving a pair of Triangle Comete 30th Anniversary speakers that just isn't cutting it for me. Sounds fine listening at 9 to 10 o'clock where the Cometes really shine, but anything lower I find is flat and dull. Having to constantly adjust volume up to get that "wow" feeling indicates to me a lack of power.

I suspect there is heavy sound absorption at work in the room (shag-like carpeting and large sectional) so I'm not sure if this is the issue or the Peachtree is the weak link. The Triangle Cometes are highly efficient speakers with a max power handing of 80W and 8 ohm.

Have my eye on a PS Audio HCA-2 but would 150W be too much?
My 7.1 HT system is all Comet powered by a Pioneer Elite receiver. With the right program material and without the sub on the low frequency can be surprisingly strong.

Powered by the Carver VTA 180s and a slight toe in adjustment the Comets have a very different presentation. I'm guessing the Carvers are overkill and a modestly powered tube amplifier would drive them adequately.

I think Upscale Audio carries Triangle speakers. They would have a more realistic amplifier suggestion.
I know this is kind of off topic, but since we've been discussing the use of tone controls, does anyone have experience using room correction processing hardware?
Not sure if anyone is paying attention to this thread anymore, but I just recently bought a used Linn AV 5105 (100W into 8 ohm) for about $500. Injected some life into my system. Nice sounding amp, especially for the price!