Power Amp Suggestions

I'm in the process of selecting a used power amplifier to fit into my system. Currently, I have a Curcio-mod ST-70 which sounds wonderful within its 35W/channel limits. Unfortunately, it is trying to drive the less than 83dB/1W Eminent-Technology LFT-VIIIs which I love. Bruce Thigpen at E-T recommends an amp capable of 75-200 watts into 8 ohms for his babies. I thought the NYAL Moscode 300 (150w/channel) I have would be a good match, but wasn't. The preamp is an all-tube Cary SLP-30. The three components just did not sing well together. The E-Ts are very warm and while the bass was great, the midrange wasn't as good as the Curcio provides. So waht are my choices? I might be able to get away with a little less than the recommended power, given the size and liveliness of my room plus the levels I listen at. Some candidates I've considered: - ARC Classic 60 - Cary SLA-70 Signature - Sonic Frontiers SFA-75 (another Curcio design) - Sumo Andromeda III - Aragon 4004 II Has anyone had any experiences with these units that could be indicative of what I might expect in my system? Thanks in advance for any help! Steve Albers
Check out the McCormack DNA-1 deluxe for $2400. It's solid state and high power (185 watts).. very musical. I used this amp for a few years driving Thiel 2.2 with Sumiko ocos cables... great match. I sold it to my cousin who now uses it with martin logan SL3. I now have a all Naim active system... but that's another story...
At 83 db/watt your talking 60 watts RMS to go 100db (that's 600 watts peak) and unless you go into the Futterman's, there is only the ARC 150 or 350 if you can find one. Or you can forget tubes altogether in the amp stage and go with a really decent solid state unit. There's a lot of muscle out there for not much money, from Marantz to Sunfire.
At 83 db/watt your talking 60 watts RMS to go 100db (that's 600 watts peak) and unless you go into the Futterman's, there is only the ARC 150 or 350 if you can find one. Or you can forget tubes altogether in the amp stage and go with a really decent solid state unit. There's a lot of muscle out there for not much money, from Marantz to Sunfire.
Get ready for heresy. I recommend the Onkyo M504 with 165wpc into 8 ohms, and lots more into 4 or 2 ohms. It is an incredible amp at an incredible price: around $450 at jandr discounted. The catch is this. It is plain, old-fashion stereo without the gaggle.
I own a pair of ET LTV-VIIIs and matched them with an ARC Classic 60 and an ARC SP-9 MkII. This system presented the best soundstage (that "back lit" quality) with respect to depth that I have ever experienced from these speakers. I have an ARC LS5 MkII now and wish that I still had a Classic 60.