Power amps into surge protector/Conditioner or DIRECT to wall? Final verdict?

Just curious. I've heard for years not to plug amp into a surge protection evice. Does this apply to a preamp as well? Are the component fuses enough? Do affordable surge protection/conditioners exist that do not effect sound quality? 
Some of the mid line Furman studio units look nice. Plus you have the SurgeX/Brick devices that look like real winners. However, I'm not wanting any sound quality issues. BUT, I don't want my equipment destroyed as well. 

Thoughts please
Have all my kit plugged into a Niagara 7000 with a Hurricane 20 amp pc to the wall. It has given me peace of mind from power surges - lost a alovely pre amp in the past. The real bonus is the way it has transformed the performance of my Devialet amps. Massively improved detail, bass, faster transients and blacker background. Quite expensive but worth it IMO.
@aberyclark  how did you make the decision to go for the Torus TOT MAX? I'm curious, it looks good.

my take on these surge protector etc.
 I feel it is good for your preamp,cd players 
your amp needs to go directly into the wall 
i had a lot of surge protector etc.and my
amp or amps never sounded good going into.
Keep your amp in the wall outlet.
OK, I only saw a mention of this, this thread raises this question: I'm in Florida where it is pretty dirty. (I've replaced refrigerator circuit boards and the like, because of the surging energy.) I have absolutely no surge protectors on my main equipment to keep the sound level high. But Florida's utility department, FPL, periodically will send me an advertisement for their whole-house surge protection (for some $15/month.) The very concept of this miffs me, as I feel they should be providing this for free, not causing me to buy an add-on. But perhaps that's the nature of a lightning-strike area. My question is, if I went with such an option, do you think this will leave my sound quality untouched? 
Lowrider, I did quite s bit of research and for the money, the Torus TOT series gets great reviews worldwide. Plus, I got a great recommendation from a dealer so trust. The unit will arrive tomorrow. Besides looking forward to protection, I’m looking forward to declutter the mess J currently have running cables to a strip. I’m going to place the Torus on the middle shelf of my system.