There are actually very many systems and listeners that can identify the difference power cords make. …
The case of the dimming lights that prompted this particular thread exemplifies this perfectly.
The later is provable with a light meter, or other methods to show the lightning flickering. A lighting company could produce a graph of lumins versus time and produce a “strobe metric”.
The former case is a more of testamony like the Thomas (or what it another fellow on the road?.) The cable makers could show something happening with out just resorting to talk about the quantum world.
So it is not exemplified perfectly.
- There is no proof in here that a cord would help the lights
- And, in fact, the fellow/lady does not mention the sound changing, only the lights flickering. So he/she/they are either suffering visual hallucinations, or the sound is not very affected by the voltage.
- I suspect the later is the case.