Power Cord for Pass Int 60-Under 1K used

I'm just about done with my recent audio transformation. My last statement is going to be an after market power cable for my Pass Labs Int-60. My budget is under 1K used....and that"s pushing it.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated, especially if your a Pass Labs owner.

If your not a fan of after market cords....save me the speech. I already spent about 35K....I'm not using a stock power cord.

Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
I've owned and auditioned multiple $$$$ after market pc's.The most accomplished in my system,and not your flavor of the month,are Joseph Chows Audio Horizons pc and the Silver Ghost by Mark Tunis.
I've had very good results from the Clarus Crimson high current power amp cords. 
@krelldog , @trelja , thank you for the very kind remarks, I am humbled.

Joe, have you left the Philly area for the Great White North yet?
Safe travels.
@krelldog  -  

I have an excellent 2 meter Tara Labs AC Reference cable you are welcome to for waaaay less than $ 1k  !  ( I actually have 3 ! )  and deserves being reunited with Pass equipment .  ($100 ).  PM for pix and info if interested. 

I am a fan of Audio Magic cords, regardless of what the anti-cable ankle biters spout. *rolleyes*