Power Cord for Pass Int 60-Under 1K used

I'm just about done with my recent audio transformation. My last statement is going to be an after market power cable for my Pass Labs Int-60. My budget is under 1K used....and that"s pushing it.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated, especially if your a Pass Labs owner.

If your not a fan of after market cords....save me the speech. I already spent about 35K....I'm not using a stock power cord.

Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
I've had very good results from the Clarus Crimson high current power amp cords. 
@krelldog , @trelja , thank you for the very kind remarks, I am humbled.

Joe, have you left the Philly area for the Great White North yet?
Safe travels.
@krelldog  -  

I have an excellent 2 meter Tara Labs AC Reference cable you are welcome to for waaaay less than $ 1k  !  ( I actually have 3 ! )  and deserves being reunited with Pass equipment .  ($100 ).  PM for pix and info if interested. 

I am a fan of Audio Magic cords, regardless of what the anti-cable ankle biters spout. *rolleyes*
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