Here's a question I would like answered by the "deniers".
Why would anyone spend $1000.00 on a power cord if it didn't sound better than a $6.00 one?
I certainly wouldn't if there was no difference.
But I have spent $2000.00 several times for power cords because they did sound better.
Here's how that came about.
I was looking for a better power cord for my Cary 300sei once upon a time.
I went to the dealer who also sells Shunyata products.
I was impressed by the improvement these power cords made in my friends very expensive system(Nagra elecronics, Sonus Faber Strad speakers,)and yes you could hear a difference even with a few weeks between visits.
I said at that time, What's different? It sounds better, smoother, fuller, more impact and less grunge, yet it was great the last time, but now it's better."
He showed me the Shunyata Annacondas, and so I thought when it was time I would try them in my set up.
But did I need to buy the Annacondas?
The dealer let me listen to his demo Cary ,and a cd player with just headphones at the amp.
I then went up the line starting at the low end of the Shunyata snake pit.
If I could find a snake that was cheaper I would have bought it. But I didn't.
The top Annaconda did the trick,I was sold, and then later I ended up replacing most of my power cords with Annacondas.
Did I have to justify my expense after the fact?
That's absurd logic.
I heard the improvement and fortunately I was able to afford the cables, simple as that.
No remorese, no trying to convince myself that I made the right decision.
I made the purchse because I could hear the different levels of improvemnts in the power cords.
I'll let the deniers go to the shunyata site and read the white papers for any type of explanation why one snake sounds different than the others.
As stated, the how and why of things doesn't matter to me, only the final results.
I care less about the how and why I breath, and just take pleasure in the fact that I do.
I guess some of us don't need "proof" to validate our purchases, because the proof is in what we hear.
I think the folks who constantly seek validation or scientific proof perhaps don't have the same self confidence, or perhaps need someonelse to tell them what to purchase.
If that's the case, they ,not I are more prone to all manner of snake oil .
Be aware of the man in the white lab coat, be very aware.
Why would anyone spend $1000.00 on a power cord if it didn't sound better than a $6.00 one?
I certainly wouldn't if there was no difference.
But I have spent $2000.00 several times for power cords because they did sound better.
Here's how that came about.
I was looking for a better power cord for my Cary 300sei once upon a time.
I went to the dealer who also sells Shunyata products.
I was impressed by the improvement these power cords made in my friends very expensive system(Nagra elecronics, Sonus Faber Strad speakers,)and yes you could hear a difference even with a few weeks between visits.
I said at that time, What's different? It sounds better, smoother, fuller, more impact and less grunge, yet it was great the last time, but now it's better."
He showed me the Shunyata Annacondas, and so I thought when it was time I would try them in my set up.
But did I need to buy the Annacondas?
The dealer let me listen to his demo Cary ,and a cd player with just headphones at the amp.
I then went up the line starting at the low end of the Shunyata snake pit.
If I could find a snake that was cheaper I would have bought it. But I didn't.
The top Annaconda did the trick,I was sold, and then later I ended up replacing most of my power cords with Annacondas.
Did I have to justify my expense after the fact?
That's absurd logic.
I heard the improvement and fortunately I was able to afford the cables, simple as that.
No remorese, no trying to convince myself that I made the right decision.
I made the purchse because I could hear the different levels of improvemnts in the power cords.
I'll let the deniers go to the shunyata site and read the white papers for any type of explanation why one snake sounds different than the others.
As stated, the how and why of things doesn't matter to me, only the final results.
I care less about the how and why I breath, and just take pleasure in the fact that I do.
I guess some of us don't need "proof" to validate our purchases, because the proof is in what we hear.
I think the folks who constantly seek validation or scientific proof perhaps don't have the same self confidence, or perhaps need someonelse to tell them what to purchase.
If that's the case, they ,not I are more prone to all manner of snake oil .
Be aware of the man in the white lab coat, be very aware.