Power cord for Technics SP-10MkII

I have Technics SP-10MkII in Albert Porter plinth. I bought it with stock power cord for the power supply.
Can anyone share their experience using aftermarket PCs on the Technics PS? Do they make any difference in that position?
And how significant the differnce is?
Since the OEM power cord on the SP10 MkII is naught but standard "zip cord" that is identical to what is found on the typical table lamp, I would imagine there might be some benefit to upgrading it. However, I am a believer that the typical IEC connector, which permits interchangeable power cords, can defeat the purpose of power cord upgrades. So I bought a length of XLO power cord from Michael Percy and just spliced it onto the standard MkII power supply cord, about an inch away from the chassis. Thus the XLO cord is in effect hard-wired to the power transformer. I of course attached a fancy plug to the other end, probably a Hubble. (Don't have my MkII any more, so cannot say for sure.) In truth I have absolutely no idea whether there was any benefit to doing any of this, but it made me feel better.
05-11-12: Lewm
Since the OEM power cord on the SP10 MkII is naught but standard "zip cord" that is identical to what is found on the typical table lamp, I would imagine there might be some benefit to upgrading it. However, I am a believer that the typical IEC connector, which permits interchangeable power cords, can defeat the purpose of power cord upgrades. So I bought a length of XLO power cord from Michael Percy and just spliced it onto the standard MkII power supply cord, about an inch away from the chassis. Thus the XLO cord is in effect hard-wired to the power transformer. I of course attached a fancy plug to the other end, probably a Hubble. (Don't have my MkII any more, so cannot say for sure.) In truth I have absolutely no idea whether there was any benefit to doing any of this, but it made me feel better.

Seems to me that splicing the XLO onto the captive PC would be worse than using an IEC connector. But hey, what do I know.
These turntables use so little power (26W max I think), that power cord sizing is irrelavent, even through IEC connectors. Its only drawing about 200 mA, after all. Shielding on the power cord might be helpful, which is one feature available on some upgraded power cords
I've always been of the opinion that this is one of the last places to spend money on a fancy power cord. As long as juice is flowing and the power supply is keeping accurate speed what's the difference? Having said that, I must admit I've never tried a $2000 power cord on an SP-10. I know Albert is of a different opinion and he has tried it.