Power cord replacement suggestions

If i were to delve into the fanatic behavior of replacing power cords, is there some concensus on where the most impact would be gained, whether on source, pre, or amp, or is it just different for every system and need to experiment. Thanks for any advice.

I haven't heard a power cord cause any difference on a source or pre yet--though I haven't done a ton of testing on those two components.  I've heard some fairly large differences on a power amp, but I suspect williewonka is correct.  Even the Argento Flow Master Reference made no difference on my Sanders Magtech when compared to Groneberg Quattro Reference.

I've tried Shunyata Alpha HC (~$1200), Cerious Graphene Blue ($550), Groneberg Quattro Reference ($200), Argento Flow Master Reference (~$6000), Acoustic Zen Tsunami II (~$300).  
I will certainly try the cord on the pre to guage any difference.  If so, i will try the cerious high current cord for the amp. So excited..
I'm late to this thread but my experience is the most dramatic effect was when I replaced the stock cord on my phono pre (EAR 834) with Nordost Blue Heaven. I tried the cord on my int. Amp with no discernable sound improvement.

If you don't mind me asking, what integrated amplifier did you try the Blue Heaven cable on?


Just musing out loud here but hope some worthwhile thoughts.
At what stage do you consider it is worth your time and money to invest in upgraded PC?
I mean there has to be at least a certain level of quality to your system to start with for them to make any discernible difference? Not much point spending $300 on a PC when your disc spinner is worth $250.....

Seriously curious as I do have a fair sum tied up in my system but mostly in components.
Esotric SA-50
Usher CP-6381
Cardas Quadlink 5c xlr interconnects
Straightwire Octave 2 speaker cable

As the BAT requires 2 x 15a PC, I used the stock cords going to a dedicated 2 way box I made from hospital grade components with a 3 ft whip of 8 gauge cord and a wattgate plug.
All other equipment has maybe $50 PC.

Is it time to follow the White Rabbit down the black hole of PC improvements?