Power Cord suggestion please

Have two new active speakers (Fluid Fx8).  want to upgrade the base power cord.  However, since i need two matched, don't want to break the bank.  12 gauge will work as only 130watts total in the 2 internal amps.  

So, price to performance power cords?     Signal Cable?  anti-cables?  Pangea?
Thanks Much in advance

You should be suspicious of several posts close together promoting one brand. Usually those are shills or 'fan boy' posts. you can be sure it is some effort to steal your money.
@elizbeth, seriously? Have you tried Cullen cables?And care to explain how I can steal money from OP?
At least I have my system posted here that shows the equipment I use. You don't even list your equipment and say that we are misleading the OP?

Post removed 
It is not the endorsement but the age based attack. She is, after all, said to be a woman.  🤦🏼‍♂️
Why use an expensive cable from an unclean wall socket and feed that "enhanced "dirty" power to the conditioner? The conditioner is doing the cleaning of the power. Use the "enhanced" power cords from the conditioner.
I use Oyaide Tunami GPX-R V2 power cords for my ATC SCM20-2A active monitors.

TBH, I’ve never heard of Cullen cables before this thread. I was curious and looked them up on the web. Interesting company.