Power cord suggestions to improve cd playback

Presently I have a Denon 2800 cdp feeding a Denon 4802. Speakers are B&W N805. I am in the process of buying separate amplifier and will use the 4802 as my pre. Without buying a dedicated cdp, will power cord upgrade make any appreciable difference with my set-up? I have heard Analysis Plus makes some solid performing cables/cords. Is this true?
Thanks in advace for your comments!
I have a VH Audio Flavor 1 pc on my Denon cdp and am very happy. I have also used a Signal Cable Magic Power digital cable to bring the juice to a dyi power strip and it works well
I had the Elrods, then the Harmonix Studio Master,all models from the last 12 months, and let me say.

Harmonix was much better than the Elrods.

Then I got the Kubala-Sosna Emotion PC, "WOW Factor". superior to anything I have experienced. Amp/ Emm-Dcc2/ Phillips 1000 cdp, and to the Walker Velocitor, they are here to stay, try them , I'm sure if you audition them ,you will be keeping them.

While Chris has changed the cabling that he uses, you might want to try one of the VH Audio Flavour 2 cables. While he doesn't recommend it for digital use, i've always found it to work quite well for the purposes that you intend. It may be possible that he still has some of the original cabling that he used and / or may even sell it to you as a kit at a reduced price. Sean
Check out the VH Audio Flavor 4. Great price, great cable and it has received a lot of positive feedback for how well it mates with CDPs. There are a number of posts here and on AA about this PC. I'm burning one in now. http://www.vhaudio.com
True, they are a bit pricey, but the Harmonix Studio Master power cords are wonderful. Have never heard the Elrods, but a couple of "golden earred" audiophools, I know, changed from Elrods to the Harmonix Studio Masters. That was motivation, enough, to give them a whirl. The icing on the cake for electric nirvana. UNBELIEVABLE!! peace, warren
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Most of the Electroglides are excellent for digital. Also very good at at better price is the Shunyata Black Mamba v1 or v2.
A friend of mine uses a Denon 2800 dvd player for his source unit for 2 channel and for HT. I took a couple of my power cables over and he thought they were awesome. I use Virtual Image Pile Driver power cables. This friend of mine uses a Denon 2800(source), Denon AVR-3300(pre-amp), and Antique Sound Labs Wave 8's, his IC's are the AR Pro cables that everyone raved about, his speaker cables are some older Tara Labs Reference Gen. 2000 that I sold him a couple of years ago, and Roman Audio speakers. We placed a single Virtual Image Pile Driver power cable on his 2800 and he was astounded by the improvements. I use all Virtual Image power cables and interconnects on my 2 channel system and power cables on my wife's HT system. If you would like to try the V.I. cables, you can e-mail Al, owner of Virtual Image, at virtualimage@juno.com. He has a 30 day return policy on all of his standard cables, which for a Pile Driver is a six foot cable with a 15 amp IEC, which has an introductory price of $400. He also makes another power cable he calls Sledgehammer. It is cheaper than the Pile Driver ($200), and gives you about 90% of the performance of the Pile Driver. Also, if you are interested, e-mail Al and ask him if he has any demo cables that he would be willing to discount for you, every now and then he gets some. Anyway, if you have any questions about the V.I. power cables and/or interconnects, based on my experience with them, feel free to e-mail me or search the forum archives for "Virtual Image".