Power cord? Why?

I see a lot of posts regarding power cords. I would like to know what sonic difference they actually make. Could anybody explain this in a simple way?

Thank you
Corona...What I milled down was a 3/4 inch length of twisted-together and soldered triad of #20. I would guess this was about #6 in diameter. About 1/2 inch of this I milled down so it would just barely fit into my heavy duty connector...about #10 size.

Sean...Do we have any impedance or capacitance data for the various highly-touted power cords? If not, I don't see any use for such measurements on my supercord.

To all....If you are a Wizard, and are publishing the recipe for a magic potion it is always a good idea to include some ingredient that is difficult or impossible to obtain. (The eye of a newt collected during a solar eclipse on a Tuesday). Then if the damsel does not respond as expected, you can always tell your client that the potion was not prepared properly. This power cord stuff involves a lot of black magic. Are you wizards?
We have built hundreds of cable prototypes,foil, flat wire,ribbon,square,also, every conceivable round wire configuration.We have yet to find any correlation between inductance,impedance,capacitance and performance. Most of the cable designers,many from the highly advertised arena, all agree on this point. But one thing for sure they are not going to put it in print. Why? Because the consumer believes it to be true.
Eldartford: I don't know of any manufacturer that publishes specific spec's on power cords. That does not mean that some of us haven't taken the time to take readings on various cables / designs and compiled our own little notebooks. Some of us do feel that there is a method to the madness and the more knowledge / hard facts that we can accumulate on the subject, the less "eye of newt" and "snake oil" you'll need to build a good cable. As such, knowing how your cable measures in terms of absolute values and measurements per foot can give us "techies" a better idea of what you are working with.

Corona: Like i said before, if people are already buying this product, how do you intend to keep the basic design principles / materials secret ? I'm not asking you for a play by play, i'm simply asking for you to verify that such products do exist so that those that are interested can check into purchasing them. If this truly is a "ground-breaking" product and as good as you say it is, why would you want to deny yourself the opportunity to advertise in what is a highly read forum / thread ? On top of this, i'm asking you for info. As such, you won't hear anybody claiming that you're out "shilling for business". As far as i can tell, it would be a win / win situation for you in terms of exposure and potential sales.

As far as your comments go about finding correlations between design geometries, materials used, etc..., i agree with you. Not in the fact that you can't find any correlations between measurable performance & percieved sonics but in the fact that publishing specific technical info would end up demystifying power cords and lower the potential to rip customers off in terms of them finding out just how much "research" and material actually went into building their "beloved" mega-dollar cables. I don't know of any "magician" / "side show charlatan" that is making tall cash "scamming" people that would be willing to give away their secrets to the public for free. After all, once that secret is out and others can figure out how to do it, the novelty and exclusivity have worn off and the price and demand begin to fall. As such, silence IS golden. That is, so long as you can keep the secret. Sean
06-05-03 On this thread I listed the dealers who can provide additional information about the cables. The product names are Ampthrilla and Pre-Thrilla, the company is Sahuaro Audio.
Corona: I apologize for my idiocy and redundancy. If i can shake loose that much change from my pockets, i may give one of these a try. Sean