Power Cords for Parasound

Hey guys, I'm trying to find a replacement for my old original power cord. I have a Parasound Integrated. I know it requires an IEC type cord and up to 300 volts but its the amps that are confusing to me. Almost everywhere I look on the internet it says that a 15 to 20 amp power cord is plenty for these heavy duty amps. The manual says its wanting a 60 amp power cord. What am I not understanding here. I was hoping to just go to Fry's and pick up a normal IEC Type cord. I'm thinking those will probably no more then 15 amps. Any advice is welcome.                   
+1 on Cullen and Signal.
I used to have Signal, then moved on to Cullen.
Both are nice upgrades.
By the way, regarding the reference to 60 amps, that has nothing to do with the power cord or the amp rating of the circuit. That's probably a spec that they use for peak to peak fluctuation within the circuit and give the impression of "high current " to prospective buyers. There are some amplifiers that are designed to accept 30 amp IEC cords but they also most probably require 220-240 volt AC power. I think Boulder monoblock amps are designed that way.
By the way, regarding the reference to 60 amps, that has nothing to do with the power cord or the amp rating of the circuit. That's probably a spec that they use for peak to peak fluctuation within the circuit and give the impression of "high current " to prospective buyers. There are some amplifiers that are designed to accept 30 amp IEC cords but they also most probably require 220-240 volt AC power. I think Boulder monoblock amps are designed that way.