I just love my FMS "Nexus63L" on my 860x.
Power cords for Wadia 861
Does anyone have any first-hand experience experimenting with power cords for, say, a Wadia 861 or 301?
Wadia's folks suggest in the owners manuals that people use the stock cord, but it wasn't that long ago that people at Rowland, Audio Research and other high-end audio companies would give you a blank stare if you asked them about after-market power cords for their equipment.
I'm not looking to experiment with a dozen cords, nor do I plan to spend thousands of dollars. I'm just wondering if anyone has found 1.) that they help the Wadia as much as some cords help some other components; and, 2.) is there a really great synergy with a particular cord? Thanks. -- Ron
Wadia's folks suggest in the owners manuals that people use the stock cord, but it wasn't that long ago that people at Rowland, Audio Research and other high-end audio companies would give you a blank stare if you asked them about after-market power cords for their equipment.
I'm not looking to experiment with a dozen cords, nor do I plan to spend thousands of dollars. I'm just wondering if anyone has found 1.) that they help the Wadia as much as some cords help some other components; and, 2.) is there a really great synergy with a particular cord? Thanks. -- Ron