Sure, I'll pile on with more anecdotal stuff.. What is very interesting is the general and maybe overall support for power cables, but such a mixed range of support on cables relating to the actual signal itself. A few folks mentioned power conditioner 'no' cables 'yes', it's in the power arena I personally have experienced the least in SQ change either way - sure if the power cord is flimsy, absolutely go 12AWG copper or something, but haven't had these changes significantly impact..
What did benefit me in a huge way was ripping out a power conditioner I had - this thing acted as such a sound suffocator it was unreal. In fact, doing that and realizing the improvement it made me go the other way in maximizing power wire gauge all the way through the chain, building my own star-wired boxes w/12awg, and even adding copper outlets and plugs - while fun, none of it really made much impact beyond removing the power conditioner, it affected my DAC the most, like a blanket over the speakers.