Power Cycling Mystery

I have a Meridian G68 that I use as a dac and preamp. I leave it on 24/7. Here's the mystery: When I power it off and then back on, it sounds better. I know that sounds crazy. Maybe I'm crazy. But I've noticed it a number of times over the last year.

I originally thought maybe it was heat. I turn it off, it cools down, I turn it back on, it sounds better. Hence it's the heat. But here's where it gets really weird...

If I power the G68 down and then turn it back on IMMEDIATELY, it still sounds better. So the change in sound can't be attributed to heat.

And it gets weirder...

The improvement lasts for WEEKS. Then, very gradually, things deteriorate. Eventually I notice a subtle harmonic distortion in the high frequencies and a general "haze" in imaging. So I power cycle the G68, and the distortion and haze go away. And things start all over again.

Is this even possible?

V - Yes, I fell down the rabbit hole of power products some time ago. But I can't say that I've spent much time in Wonderland -- it's a confusing place, after all.

Currently I'm using a Shunyata Hydra 8 and several Shunyata Python power cords. Can't say I have an exact idea of how they changed things, except to say that, collectively, they SEEM to have made the system a little quieter and made the high frequencies a little sweeter.

If I were to do it again, I wouldn't spend so much on power products. I would, however, keep my dedicated power line. That is something I believe in. I keep the rest to quell my audio nervosa.

Still puzzled about why power cycling would improve things, but of course I'm no EE! :-)
Hi Bryon,

Along the lines of my earlier comment, being an EE and an experienced digital and analog circuit designer, as I am, won't reduce the puzzlement :-). At least without having highly detailed familiarity with the specifics of the design.

With complex digital circuits, and particularly when software and/or firmware programs are also involved, puzzling and counter-intuitive phenomena are almost to be expected at times. And keep in mind that modern digital circuits are far more complex than they may physically appear to be, since some kinds of physically small integrated circuit devices commonly contain many millions of transistors each.
Could there be any connection between the beneficial effects of power cycling and the fact that, when the unit is powered down, it often emits a broadband pop/thump? Could there be some kind of "buildup," the elimination of which results in better sound?
My quick initial instinct is to say no, and to consider the thump to simply reflect a turn-off transient that would have no associated or secondary effects. And to expect that what is somehow responsible for the improvement you have observed is either the reset that occurs when power is turned on, or resetting or clearing that occurs by virtue of circuit devices being unpowered. But then again, who knows?

All the best for the holidays and 2012!

-- Al

Ahh, the rabbit hole. I find that removing something from my system usually reminds me how I got there in the first place....said the Mad Hatter to Alice. ;-)
Thanks, Al. I guess I'll have to live with the mystery.

V - Good point. It's easy to take things for granted until they're gone!

Have an excellent holiday, gentlemen.
