
Discussions vhiner has started

The Conrad Johnson Premier 350: Revisited3252251
Attention Thiel CS3.7 owners2086056
What are used SOVTEK 6H30P Tubes worth?25555
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch891021
High pitched buzz caused by Squeezebox Touch?37964
Anybody using tube amps to drive Thiel CS 3.7's ?1074920
Which High Res releases are worth buying?1405338
Anyone compared NAD and Cambridge Intergrateds?1001623
Conrard-Johnson CT5 tube rolling?845821
Need suggestions about replacing a Classe' 220043176
Help me solve static electricity problem12169756
What's a good power cord for conrad-johnson CT5?1467328
Need Help Choosing a Tube Preamp for a Classe Amp1127823
Shunyata's Hydra 8 Version 2 vs V-Ray version 166542
St. Louis, Missouri52854