Power help

I know that power is probably the weak link in both of my systems. I have a Linn system in my media room and Violectric headphone system in my office. For both, I have them going to an APC XS1500 Backup UPC. Is this terrible? My house does have occasional power hiccups and outages. Can someone please give me some advice on reasonable ways to upgrade my setup? 
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Noisy expensive UPS located in another room does not seem like a reasonable solution. I’m pretty sure I had a dedicated circuit installed in my media room last time I had an electrician over. I think the variability in electricity in my house comes from the source. My whole neighborhood has issues. I realize that is a limitation. I didn’t want to put that stress on my equipment so I got the UPS to help minimize the impact of these occasional brown outs. 

Would going to a wiremold powerstrip and then to a UPS help?

Is there a reasonable priced UPS option that is not noisy that would be a significant upgrade?

Should I not be concerned about the variability and just use a wiremold?

Would one of those Blue Circle or other power conditioner products in between the equipment and the UPS help?

Is there a reasonable solution that I could hire an electrician to help with? 
Kost is also contradictory because he is stating "an ideal power supply", which doesn't exist even in the most expensive equipment.  The problem is that the audio electronics run half from the internal power supply and half from the incoming A/C current.  So anything external will definitely affect the sound (such as power cords, outlets, fuses, UPS).
sleepwalker had a suggestion with the Eaton UPS.  That will provide 100% coverage (within battery limits).  The only other thing I can think of are the Furman power conditioners with the "current reservoir".  This is a capacitor inside the power conditioner that provides a smoother A/C voltage when there are dips in the incoming A/C current.  It may help fight the "hiccups" you are experiencing, but it will not do anything for the outages.  Two examples are Furman Elite-15 PFi ($750) and Furman Elite-20 PFi ($1299).
Why not check out a PS Audio Powerplant? It regenerates the incoming line voltage and produces a new clean sine-wave for your components.
  It regulates voltage, cleans dirty power from the grid, and lowers the noise floor.

Looks like those start at about $5k. That's a bit steep. Is that the only thing that actually works?